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Test niveau Anxio-Depressif

un personnage la tête basse avec des pensées en papier au-dessus de sa tête

Ce test ne fait pas office de diagnostic. En cas de difficulté, contactez votre médecin traitant.

This test is a tool associated with the good practice recommendation “Stopping tobacco consumption: from individual screening to maintaining abstinence”.

This scale (HAD – Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale ) is an instrument used to screen for anxiety and depressive disorders. It includes 14 items rated from 0 to 3. Seven questions relate to anxiety and seven others to the depressive dimension, thus allowing two scores to be obtained.

This test in no way serves as a diagnosis, it simply provides a basis for reflection and information on this subject. If this phenomenon impacts you negatively, get help from a professional.


  • Zigmond AS, Snaith RP The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Acta Psychiatr. Scand., 1983, 67, 361-370. French translation: JF Lépine.

  • “Standardized clinical evaluation in psychiatry” under the direction of JD Guelfi, Pierre Fabre editions. Also presented in: Medical and therapeutic practices, April 2000, 2, 31.

See the results

Test yourself on the different scales available for free:

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