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Test niveau d'Estime de soi

une femme qui se maquille devant un miroir et qui se sourit

Ce test ne fait pas office de diagnostic. En cas de difficulté, contactez votre médecin traitant.

This test comes from a psychometric tool widely used to assess an individual's level of self-esteem. Developed by sociologist Morris ROSENBERG in 1965, this scale ( Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) has become a valuable instrument in the field of psychology for understanding a person's perception of themselves.

The scale consists of 10 simple statements on which you are asked to express your level of agreement or disagreement. These statements address fundamental aspects of self-esteem, such as feelings of self-worth, self-confidence, and feelings of competence. Your responses provide insight into your overall perception of your own value and self-acceptance.

In summary, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is a versatile and valuable tool for assessing and understanding individuals' self-esteem, providing essential insights for promoting mental health and emotional well-being.

This test in no way serves as a diagnosis, it simply provides a basis for reflection and information on this subject. If lack of self-esteem has a negative impact on you, get help from a professional.

See the results

Test yourself on the different scales available for free:

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